In: rainbow trout

Quarterly newsletter on FISH-AI
- December 11, 2019
- anna
- BiofabicsconferenceeventsfishingIOLRNMBUopen daypersonnel trainingpresentationrainbow troutSkrettingsustainabilityUGentUniMi
The FISH-AI team had their annual meeting in November in Milan, where they have exchanged their knowlegde and also organized a...

FISH-AI open day at UniMi: A multidisciplinary approach to food sustainability
- October 31, 2019
- anna
- BiofabicsconferenceeventsfishingIOLRNMBUopen daypresentationrainbow troutSkrettingsustainabilityUGentUniMi
At the opening meeting of the Fish-AI project, funded by the European Union and coordinated by DISAA, we organized a dissemination...

UniMi Team at the Aquaculture Europe 2019
- October 16, 2019
- anna
- conferenceeventsrainbow troutUniMi
UniMi team attended the last Conference of the European Aquaculture Society in Berlin (Germany), presenting a poster entitled “QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF...

NMBU and Skretting partners establishing in vitro digestion protocol
- September 27, 2019
- anna
- eventsin vitro testsNMBUrainbow troutSkretting
Researchers from Fish-AI partners NMBU and Skretting have conducted a preliminary feeding trial with rainbow trout.

IOLR partner at Dan Fish Farms
- July 31, 2019
- anna
- feedingin vitro testsIOLRrainbow trout
IOLR team was at Dan Fish Farms in Kibbutz Dan to perform preliminary sampling of digestive enzymes and digested feed from...
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