In: open day

Fish-AI at European Researchers’ Night – 03/12 Thursday!
- November 30, 2020
- anna
- aquaculture industryBiofabicseventsIOLRNMBUopen daypresentationSkrettingsustainabilityUGentUniMi
This year, the European Researchers’ Night at IOLR partner will be held on the 3rd of December 2020, on an online...

Fish AI at the European researchers’ night
A FISH-AI demonstration station was set at the European researchers’ night event that was held in IOLR last September.

Quarterly newsletter on FISH-AI
- December 11, 2019
- anna
- BiofabicsconferenceeventsfishingIOLRNMBUopen daypersonnel trainingpresentationrainbow troutSkrettingsustainabilityUGentUniMi
The FISH-AI team had their annual meeting in November in Milan, where they have exchanged their knowlegde and also organized a...

FISH-AI open day at UniMi: A multidisciplinary approach to food sustainability
- October 31, 2019
- anna
- BiofabicsconferenceeventsfishingIOLRNMBUopen daypresentationrainbow troutSkrettingsustainabilityUGentUniMi
At the opening meeting of the Fish-AI project, funded by the European Union and coordinated by DISAA, we organized a dissemination...

Fish-AI at Open Day of the University of Milan: meeting the new generation
The Fish-AI project took part to the Open Day of the University of Milan that was held Saturday 25 May 2019.
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